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Help Desk

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is INCOSE?

INCOSE is the International Council on Systems Engineering. Information about the history of the organization, its mission and objectives can be found on the website at

What is the INCOSE workshop?

INCOSE's International Workshop is the event of the year for systems engineers to contribute to their industry. Attendees spend 4 focused days working alongside fellow systems engineers who are there to make a difference. Unlike INCOSE's annual International Symposium and other conferences, there are no paper, panel, or tutorial presentations. Systems Engineers at all levels and from all backgrounds are encouraged to engage in working sessions, and contribute their knowledge and experience to take the discipline forward.

When and where is the workshop this year?

IW2025 will be hybrid, 1-4 February, 2025. The workshop will be held at the Barcelo Sevilla Renacimiento hotel in Seville - Spain.

Who can attend the workshop?

The workshop is open to members, and non-members are encouraged to join INCOSE prior to attending the IW.

How much does workshop registration cost?

Attending in person

You may register either for the full Workshop (four days) or for one or two days. Registration allows unlimited access to plenary session and open meetings (please refer to What is the difference between an open and closed meeting at the IW and IS?), food and beverage for lunch, breaks, and the closing reception, as well as registration materials. Attendance for three days will be treated as a full registration. In person attendees will also have access to the virtual platform. Guest tickets for social events are available when you register. Please note that this allows guests access to the event space, but does not include attendance of the Workshop sessions or meals and breaks.

Attending remotely

Registration for virtual participants includes a full registration allowing 4 days of access to on demand and live sessions but also to open meetings (please refer to What is the difference between an open and closed meeting at the IW and IS?). Some sessions might not be broadcasted and recorded. Please check the program for more information on each session.
INCOSE members receive a discount on their registration fees. For more information visit the registration fees webpage. Questions about registration should be directed to

When can I register?

Registration will open early November 2024 and will close the last day of the event.

What is the meaning of a hybrid event?

A hybrid event combines in-person and virtual elements in a way that unlocks a live dialogue between and among presenters and attendees—whether they join in person or online.
IW2025 will include an in-person experience at the Barcelo Sevilla Renacimiento hotel and an online experience hosted on our virtual event platform.

When will the program be available?

The program is forming according to members/WGs submitting their meetings and workshops. These focused workshop sessions will include small group breakouts, interspersed mini-presentations, interactive dialog, and input from multiple areas of expertise to produce key outcomes and decisions (e.g. advance a product, create a new product, broaden knowledge). Stay tuned!

Which video conferencing tools will be used for the hybrid workshop?

INCOSE will use a customized web-based environment for the Hybrid 2025 Workshop providing access to broadcasted sessions. Broadcasted sessions will be streamed on the virtual platform or conducted using Zoom.

Where can I stay?

A number of rooms have been pre-reserved at negotiated rate at the Barcelo Sevilla Renacimiento hotel.
More information here.

How long will the recordings be available?

After February 28, 2025, the event platform will be closed. Within 60 days of the event closing, INCOSE will make available the recordings from the event through the INCOSE website.

What is an in person presentation?

Presentation is only available to in person attendees. It will be recorded and made available from the PDP 90 days post event.

What is a broadcasted presentation (not designated available for replay)?

Presentation is broadcast for in person and virtual attendees. It will not be recorded.

What is a broadcasted presentation available for replay?

Presentation is broadcast for in person and virtual attendees. It will be recorded and posted on the platform during the event.

Q&A in live presentations

If your question has not been answered live, please go the platform and type your question in the Q&A module of the presentation.

When does the IW2025 virtual platform close?

The IW2025 event platform will be available until February 28, 2025.

Is there a standardized measure of conference hours for INCOSE continuing education requirements?

Participants in INCOSE’s International Workshop (IW) and International Symposium (IS) may claim Professional Development Units (PDUs) toward their renewal as Associate Systems Engineering Professionals (ASEPs) and Certified Systems Engineering Professionals (CSEPs). IW participation counts toward the category of “Attend non-peer-reviewed Professional Technical Society event,” for which they may claim a maximum of 30 PDUs in a renewal period. IS participation counts toward the category of “Attend peer-reviewed Professional Technical Society event,” for which there is no maximum in a renewal period. Working group meetings outside of the IW and IS count toward the category of “Participate on Professional Technical Society working groups, committees, etc.” for which there is no maximum in a renewal period. All activities should be claimed according to the number of hours of participation, rounded to the nearest quarter hour, with one hour equaling 1 PDU. More information on INCOSE Certification renewal is posted at

What is the difference between an open and closed meeting at the IW and IS? 

INCOSE values transparency in all its actions and activities. An open meeting is one in which you can drop in and start contributing to the work of the participants - in true workshop style. Closed meetings are those with a focused agenda and an audience qualified to address the agenda. In many cases, you can reach out to the chair of a meeting in advance - either to join the group or to observe. In some cases, it may be inappropriate; for example, the CAB is for corporate members; the CAG is the advisory group for Certification discussing sensitive topics where the meeting must be closed to protect the integrity of the process and the certification.

COVID 19 - What to expect at the International Workshop?

The health and safety of our attendees is our top priority.
INCOSE, along with the Barcelo Sevilla Renacimiento hotel, will adhere to the current health precautions in effect when IW2025 convenes.

Travel to the E.U. and Spain

Information for non-EU nationals can be found on these web sites:

The information is provided as a courtesy but is subject to change.


Download and use Zoom

You can download the Zoom app using this link
If you want to test your installation, you can try to join this zoom test
You could also find also several useful information how to use Zoom here:

Joining zoom with a web browser

  1. Click the link to join the meeting.
  2. If prompted to open the Zoom desktop client, click Cancel.
  3. Click the Join button from your Browser link.
  4. You will be prompted to enter your name and maybe the meeting password if it was not included in the join link.
  5. Click on Join.

Issues connecting to your session (presenters/session chairs only)

If you have any issues connecting to your session please email

conflr compatibility

The conflr platform requires a modern browser to look and function perfectly!
Internet Explorer is no longer supported or recommended by Microsoft.
Browse in security and be on the cutting edge of technologic innovations by downloading one of the following options: Firefox | Chrome | Edge | Safari

when will the presentations be available to the attendees?
No recordings are availabe - website says "we are having a problem" When will this issue be resolved so that I can watch recordings? (this is not just for today, but for previous days where recordings were previously available and functioning). Thank you for the assistance
I'm trying to access to the recordings of the sessions. Where can I find them?
Check the hybrid session, is we have the authorization the recording will be available the day after the meeting.
2025-02-03 17:10:57
SysML v2 Introductory Training is scheduled in Tirana 4 in the app. But the schedule being shown on the screen in the room does not show it. Has the session been moved?
I lost the key to my suitcase at the venue, and I'm in a lot of trouble. It is a small key with a red and yellow square charm attached to it. Where are the lost items collected?
Please check with the hotel front desk. They are collecting lost & found items.
2025-02-03 08:39:45
Hello! After participating in a few online/hybrid events, Ican't help but notice that the audio quality of the microphone system used in big meeting rooms is very poor and in most cases it's almost inintelligible. I am wondering if it's possible to check before the sessions, because in a few other hybrid sessions it works perfectly. Thanks
When will the recorded sessions be available? For Saturday, I only was able to watch the plenary session. All other hybrid meetings indicated that the meetings were not recorded due to the request of the leader.
We will release the day after if possible earlier. You will have more recording tomorrow.
2025-02-01 19:25:15
HI: I am hosting an event (SEQM annual meeting) tomorrow at 10:30 your time. I have not received any of the Zoom access/login information for the host and remote attendees to use. Can you pls send it or tell me who has it? Best Regards, Bill Scheible SEQM Chair
I just send you by email.
2025-02-01 19:21:04
How do you export to the calendar app?
You can only do it from the event platform not the APP.
2025-02-01 19:20:43
Hi Nico can you open the feed for social posts onto the page please?
You are now live Alan.
2025-02-01 11:01:14
How do IU add an even to my calendar?
Just click on the bookmark icon to add to your calendar the sessions that you want to participate. Then you can export to your calendar APP all the sessions.
2025-02-01 11:14:30
I have the question from some colleagues who registered remote and don't find the zoom links to attend to Hybrid slots : when will the links appear ? Thanks !
all the link will be available 5 minutes before the beginning of the session on the event platform.
2025-01-31 19:55:09
Will all hybrid sessions be recorded and available to watch the same day?
The events committee hopes that most of the sessions are recorded and available for the virtual audience. That said, It is up to the host of the meeting whether it is recorded or not. For the more speaker-oriented sessions, the speakers need to sign a waiver so that the session can be recorded. Some may choose not to sign the form.
2025-01-31 19:54:21
How do I find the MBSE & Digital Twin workshops to bookmark in the events? Is there a special registration for the training/workshops?
You can just navigate on the program, and filter by "MBSE Workshop" to only see the MBSE program
2025-01-21 11:55:25
The IW25 platform indicates that "Breakfast is not provided in the event program. However, if you have booked a room through our services at the Barcelo Renacimiento Hotel, breakfast is included in the room rate and will be served at the hotel restaurant from 06:30 to 08:00." However, the hotel's website indicates that breakfast doesn't start until 0730 on Saturday and Sunday and 0700 on weekdays. Which is correct?
During event days (Sat to Tue), breakfast will start at 06:30 as indicated on the platform. We look forward to welcoming you in Seville.
2025-01-16 16:34:37
My bookmarked sessions show in list view but not in grid view., even after a forced cache refresh. Would you please check this feature? Thanks!
Chris the problem has been fixed
2025-01-15 07:56:04

No questions asked yet!

No questions asked yet!

Hi Nico can you open the feed for social posts onto the page please?
You are now live Alan.
2025-02-01 11:01:14
Will all hybrid sessions be recorded and available to watch the same day?
The events committee hopes that most of the sessions are recorded and available for the virtual audience. That said, It is up to the host of the meeting whether it is recorded or not. For the more speaker-oriented sessions, the speakers need to sign a waiver so that the session can be recorded. Some may choose not to sign the form.
2025-01-31 19:54:21
How do I find the MBSE & Digital Twin workshops to bookmark in the events? Is there a special registration for the training/workshops?
You can just navigate on the program, and filter by "MBSE Workshop" to only see the MBSE program
2025-01-21 11:55:25
My bookmarked sessions show in list view but not in grid view., even after a forced cache refresh. Would you please check this feature? Thanks!
Chris the problem has been fixed
2025-01-15 07:56:04
No recordings are availabe - website says "we are having a problem" When will this issue be resolved so that I can watch recordings? (this is not just for today, but for previous days where recordings were previously available and functioning). Thank you for the assistance
I'm trying to access to the recordings of the sessions. Where can I find them?
Check the hybrid session, is we have the authorization the recording will be available the day after the meeting.
2025-02-03 17:10:57
I lost the key to my suitcase at the venue, and I'm in a lot of trouble. It is a small key with a red and yellow square charm attached to it. Where are the lost items collected?
Please check with the hotel front desk. They are collecting lost & found items.
2025-02-03 08:39:45
Hello! After participating in a few online/hybrid events, Ican't help but notice that the audio quality of the microphone system used in big meeting rooms is very poor and in most cases it's almost inintelligible. I am wondering if it's possible to check before the sessions, because in a few other hybrid sessions it works perfectly. Thanks
I have the question from some colleagues who registered remote and don't find the zoom links to attend to Hybrid slots : when will the links appear ? Thanks !
all the link will be available 5 minutes before the beginning of the session on the event platform.
2025-01-31 19:55:09
The IW25 platform indicates that "Breakfast is not provided in the event program. However, if you have booked a room through our services at the Barcelo Renacimiento Hotel, breakfast is included in the room rate and will be served at the hotel restaurant from 06:30 to 08:00." However, the hotel's website indicates that breakfast doesn't start until 0730 on Saturday and Sunday and 0700 on weekdays. Which is correct?
During event days (Sat to Tue), breakfast will start at 06:30 as indicated on the platform. We look forward to welcoming you in Seville.
2025-01-16 16:34:37